Just One Person

Eight billion people and you choose to keep talking to the one who hates you.

Eight billion people and you really think that they are the one?

Eight billion people and you chose to go after the one that’s married.

Eight billion people and you decide to talk to your friends ex?

Eight billion people and you still haven’t blocked that one persons number?

Eight billion people and you’re still stuck on one.

Eight billion people and yet you think the friendly server was flirting with you.

Eight billion people and you still ignore the red flags that one person is giving you.

Eight billion people and you think life is over cause it didn’t work out with that one.

Eight billion people and you don’t believe they aren’t texting five others.

Eight billion people and you think you’re on their mind 24/7

Eight billion people and yet they still haven’t texted you back; it’s been two days.

Eight billion people and you chose that person to be the parent of your child?

Eight billion people and you still have sex with the one that hasn’t given you an orgasm.

Eight billion people and you decide to cheat on the one who chose you.

Eight billion people and you still answer texts from the one that’s bad for you.

Eight billion people and you still think they will love you more if you change yourself.

Eight billion people and you’re still waiting for an apology text.

Eight billion people and you picked the one who disrespects your friends.

Eight billion people and the one you keep chosing the one you have to beg for love.


Summer of 19’